Student Societies
In order to evaluate the extracurricular time of the students of our University according to their interests, to enable them to acquire new interests, to enable the healthy development of their abilities, as well as to acquire regular, disciplined work together, fun habits, “Student Communities” are established in connection with the Department of Health, Culture and Sports.
Student activities are carried out by Student Communities established in accordance with the principles and procedures specified in the "Mersin University Student Communities Establishment and Functioning Directive", affiliated to the Department of Health, Culture and Sports. In the 2021-2022 Academic Year, we have 88 student communities together with newly established communities.
Our students can become members of communities that operate on issues of their own interest, take an active part in these communities, or participate in the activities of any community without being a member.
Click here to access the current list of student communities.
Click here to access the "Mersin University Student Communities Establishment and Functioning Directive".
Click here to access the Working Principles of Student Communities.
Within the framework of the Quality Management System of our University, in line with its efforts to improve academic and administrative services, petitions and forms have been developed that our Student Communities, established in accordance with the “Mersin University Student Communities Establishment and Functioning Directive” and conducting their activities within the framework of the aforementioned directive, will use in their applications for the activities and activities they plan.
Examples of new petitions and forms added to the Quality Management System of our University are included on the web page of our University under the heading “Student Communities you can reach it from the address (from the “STUDENT-COMMUNITIES” folder).
Student Communities Please click on the petition names written below to access the Application Petitions and Forms.
1- Petition to be Submitted Due to the Change of Academic Advisor
2- A Petition to Be Submitted to Leave the Position of Academic Advisor
3- Petition to be Submitted Due to the Change of the Head of the Community
4- A Petition to be Submitted Due to a Change in Community Management
5- 4-1- Oct- Community General Assembly List
(Oct. of the Petition to be Submitted Due to the Change of Community Management)
6- 4-2- Oct- List of the Community Management and Supervisory Board
(Oct. of the Petition to be Submitted Due to the Change of Community Management)
7- Petition to be Submitted Due to Community Name Change
8- Petition For the Material Needed
9- Event Organization Application Form
10- 9-1- Oct- Speaker who will Participate in the Event from Outside-Invited List of People
(Oct. of the Event Organization Application Form)
11- Participation in the Event-A Petition to be Submitted to Cover the Travel and Daily Expenses
12- A Petition to Be Submitted For the Students Who Will Participate in the Event to be Considered on Leave
13- Student Community List