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Duties of the General Administrative Services Branch Directorate


Personnel Unit:

Tracking, correspondence and filing of personnel personnel affairs (daily / annual leave, excuse leave, unpaid leave, report, execution, commencement, dismissal, appointment, appointment and retirement),

Execution and filing of internal and external official correspondence of the Presidency,

Informing the personnel of the official letters coming to our presidency and concerning the personnel about the relevant issue by being notified to the personnel,

The files of the personnel who have left the institution should be sent to the correspondence that may be in the future (retirement service period, judicial affairs, etc.) to be protected against and to respond in writing to incoming requests,

Preparation of Family Assistance and Family Status Notification Form for personnel with changes in family situation,

Sending the Property Notification transactions of Academic and Administrative personnel to the Personnel Department,

Ensuring the updating of Personnel Files and information of Academic and Administrative personnel,

Creation of Monthly and Annual statistics,

Making assignment correspondence of all personnel with/without a trip and on administrative leave,

Execution of all kinds of dispatch and administration works related to the office,


Editorial Unit:

Execution of internal and external correspondence of our Presidency filing,

All documents received from outside the university and Presidential units are recorded on the computer in the EBYS environment in the number and date and transmitted to the Presidency,

The documents that go out of the institution are sent by the related units via EBYS and delivered by us by mail or by hand,

In accordance with the dispatch of the Presidency to the relevant units, it is processed in the embezzlement book and delivered to the relevant persons for signature,

Sending private documents to the relevant departments for delivery to people,

Delivery of the letters returned to the unit after signature in exchange for embezzlement according to the place of shipment,

Delivery and archiving of the necessary documents to the investigators and investigators assigned to discipline and investigation,

Preparing the Department's annual reports, strategic plan performance indicators forms and sending them to the necessary units,

Vehicle Services Unit

Realization of the dispatch and administration of vehicles of our Presidency,

Tracking the maintenance and repair expenses of official vehicles belonging to our Presidency, as well as mandatory traffic insurance and automobile insurance expenses, traffic and exhaust inspections,

Daily entry of information about Fuel, Assignment and Inspection into the Vehicle Information System of Vehicles,

Making all kinds of entries of vehicles into the Public Fleet Information System (KFBS) and the Public Vehicle Information Management System (KBS) (Fuel, Insurance, Inspection, Maintenance, Repair, etc.)

Assigning Official vehicles and drivers belonging to our Presidency for Student Communities, Faculty, College, Vocational School requests and events that students will hold inside and outside the province, conducting correspondence and checking the requested documents (Mandatory Travel Insurance, Participant List and TÜRSAB Certificate),

Performing periodic maintenance of vehicles on time