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MEUQC Duties

MEUQC Duties

The duties of the commission are regulated in Article 5 of the "Mersin University Quality Assurance Directive", which entered into force with the Senate Decision No. 2018/4, dated 09/02/2018.


Tasks of the Quality Commission,

1) In accordance with the strategic plan and objectives of the university, to establish the internal and external quality assurance system of the relevant institution in order to evaluate and improve the quality of education and research activities and administrative services, to determine the institutional indicators and to work within this scope in line with the procedures and principles determined by the Higher Education Quality Board.

2) To carry out the internal evaluation studies of the University and to complete the annual institutional internal evaluation report, which includes the results of the institutional evaluation and quality improvement studies, to the Senate every year in January-March, to send the approved internal evaluation report to the Higher Education Quality Board for information purposes by the end of April and to share this report with the public in a way that will be reached on the internet.

3) To make the necessary preparations in the "external evaluation" process to be made by the Higher Education Quality Board in the university and to provide all kinds of support to the evaluation team.

4) To plan and implement the work and activities of the Commission in line with the "Annual Quality Action Plan" announced by the Board.